Keith meditating.jpg


"Knowing where you place your energy"
Dr. Joe Dispenza


"The state of being conscious of something"-Wikipedia

attentive + awareness:

"A pathway to mindfulness, inviting focus to a state of understanding" -Keith


"An exploration of the present moment experience, cultivating an expansion of clarity and non-judgmental awareness that nurtures the development of peace, patience and insight." - Multiple Contributors

mindfulness vs meditation?

Where meditation is a sharply focused training of attention, mindfulness can take a broader view like the lens of a camera zooming out for a different perspective.
Meditation is but one component of Mindfulness;
Others include:
- Acceptance
- Emotional Intelligence
- Non-Attachment
- Active Listening
- Non-Reactivity
- Kindness
Mindfulness is NOT about cultivating a special state, having certain experiences or stopping your thoughts (it is the brain's job to think). Nor is mindfulness passive. Non-reactivity does not rule out an appropriate response. It often makes one accessible.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -Victor Frankel