“Breathe & Be”
There is more than one way to meditate.
There are many ways to breathe..
45-minute live practice-focused sessions on Zoom
Explore various combinations of active and passive breathing with Mindfulness Meditation
Accessible to everyone. We start slowly (especially with the breath work). At the same time I will also offer more challenging alternatives for more experienced participants
This will allow us to jump right into the practice with minimal explanation, orientation and administration.
Take control of your breath and take control of your life. Especially now when the health of your respiratory system might mean the difference between life and death.
Each session will have at least two meditations, “mostly" guided”, so I can help you keep focused and aim your attention to various destinations (breath, thoughts, sensations, emotions, moods, etc.)
Each session will also explore at least one breathing exercise (with more of less sophisticated variations)
4-6 Week “Mindfulness Training Program”
The program is designed to build an infrastructure to support a daily mindfulness practice. We will start slowly and patiently (no experience necessary) by strengthening our focused attention. Starting with mindfulness of the breath we will gradually broaden our attentive awareness to mindfulness of body, sounds, thoughts, emotions and kindness.
More than just meditation, practicing mindfulness includes acceptance, present awareness, emotional intelligence, non-attachment, active listening, non-reactivity and kindness. The practices are simple, but not easy. With the use of “beginners’ mind” we will examine the distractions and obstacles that not only come up in our mindfulness practice, but in our everyday life experiences. Then we introduce and practice using tools and techniques to address these challenges.
Explore the deepening of connection, understanding and awareness. We emphasize being kind to, and even embrace, the wandering mind while developing a self-sustaining mindfulness practice inviting curiosity, compassion and clarity that is right for you. There are no special clothes, awkward postures or chanting required. If you want to sit in a chair, by all means, sit in a chair.
Each of the session will include presentation, discussion, active listening exercises, Q&A and at least two mindfulness meditation practices. New material is presented each session while reviewing, unwrapping and building-on to earlier material. Practicing between sessions is a key element of the training (Yes, there is "homework"). Ideally attendees will attend every session. Pertinent discussions and meditations are recorded to be accessible for those who miss sessions or just want to review. Outlines are also provided eliminating the need to take notes.
Neuroscience research has shown the benefits of mindfulness to include reduced stress and anxiety, clearer thinking, increased self-esteem, a happier disposition and improved focus. Calm is NOT the end-all goal of mindfulness, but it is an important and rewarding milestone along the journey. Calm is a place we pause and catch our breath (literally) before turning to face our challenges with appropriate responses. Without calm, stress fills the void. Calm takes practice, patience and guidance.
This training series explores the causes and counter-strategies for managing stressful…
Recognizing stress in the body
Identifying triggers
Active and passive breathing
Other tools for relief
Understanding how emotions contribute to anxiety
The impact of judgments
Mindfulness Practice
A recurring “commitment free” opportunity to “drop-in” and reconnect with your practice and your life
Practice with live beings (not shiny screens) in a peaceful and supportive space
At least two meditations per session
"Jump-Start Your Mindfulness"
4-session introductory mindfulness program intended to guide you beyond that initial barrier of inertia that can stall our best intentions at the starting line.
As the title implies, this program is brief and abrupt to fit into a crowded contemporary calendar. In doing so we limit some of the depth and richness found in longer "SIT" programs, but these "missed" nuances are not essential to your young practice and can be re-visited later as your practice evolves.
This series might also be useful to those who have previously explored mindfulness, but fell out of practice and are looking to return.
Customized Corporate/Group Programs
On-site sessions tailored to fit the unique needs of your organization
Special Events / Workshops
One-time events
Half-day Retreats
Off-site meetings
Theme oriented workshops (i.e., "mindfulness of sound")